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Abastado, Jean-Pierre (Servier 201507 Director Oncology Innovation Therapeutic Pole) Research & Development Manager Servier (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Abate, Emmanuel (Danaher 202210 President Genomic Medicine at Cytiva) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Danaher (Group) South East England (region)
Abdellaoui, Hautman (RED Horticulture 202311 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) RED Horticulture (Rouge Engineered Designs) (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Aberg, Louise (McDermott Will & Emery 201701 Associate in Life Sciences Group in Paris) Attorney / Lawyer McDermott Will & Emery (MWE) (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Abitbol, Jacky (Cathay Capital 202412 Partner at Cathay Innovation) Partner (venture partner) Cathay Capital (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Abou-Jaoudé, Naïm (New York Life 202412 CEO of New York Life Investment Management) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) New York Life (Group) New Jersey (federal state)
Abribat, Thierry (Alizé Pharma 2007– President + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alizé Pharma (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Achard, Bruno (JEOL 201501 CEO of JEOL (Europe) SAS) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) JEOL (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Ackermann, Bastian (Miltenyi Biotec 201807 Global Product Manager MACSQuant Tyto) Product Manager (personnel) Miltenyi Biotec (Group) Nordrhein-Westfalen (federal state)
Adams, Thorsten (Sartorius 201705 Director of Product Management for Fermentation Technologies at SSB) Product Manager (personnel) Sartorius (Group) Niedersachsen (federal state)
Adelus, Benoît (Sebia 200802– before Eurofins EVP + bioMérieux CEO + Merial) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sebia (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Afeyan, Noubar (Flagship Ventures 200603 managing partner + CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Flagship Pioneering Massachusetts (federal state)
Affagard, Hervé (MaaT Pharma 201507 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MaaT Pharma (Microbiota as a Therapy) (Euronext: MAAT) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Afonso, Carlos (Univ Rouen 201606) Laboratory Manager (industry) University of Rouen (Université de Rouen) Normandie (Normandy) (region)
Afshar, Mohammad (Ariana Pharmaceuticals 2002– CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ariana Pharmaceuticals (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Agarwal, Shefali (Valerio Therapeutics 202404 CEO before Onxeo 202201 Board Chair) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Valerio Therapeutics (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Agnus, Jean-Baptiste (JB) (JSR Corp 202404– CBO at KBI Biopharma before AGC Biologics + Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma + Novasep) Chief Business Officer (CBO) JSR Corporation (Group) North Carolina (federal state)
Agon, Jean-Paul (L’Oréal 201812 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) L’Oréal (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Agostino-Etchetto, Florence (Lyonbiopole 201306– Managing Director joined 201209 before Hospices Civils de Lyon) Cluster Manager Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Aguilar, Luc (L’Oréal 201402 Head of Biotechnologies Dept) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division L’Oréal (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Aiach-Pignet, Karen (Genespire 202409– CEO before Lysogene CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Genespire S.r.l. Lombardia (Lombardy)
Al-Wakeel, Yasir (Kronos Bio 202008– CFO + Head of CorpDev before Neon Therapeutics + Merrimack Pharma + Credit Suisse) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kronos Bio Inc. (Nasdaq: KRON) California (federal state)
Alba, Florent (NewCap 201502) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager NewCap. – Investor Relations & Financial Communications Île-de-France (region)
Alberici, Gilles (Orega Biotech 201601 CEO before Octalfa 2009 President before OPi SA founder + president) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Orega Biotech (FR) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Albers, Jeffrey W. (Jeff) (Blueprint Medicinces 201201– President of Algeta US + Genzyme + Mintz Levin) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Blueprint Medicines (Group) Massachusetts (federal state)
Albert, Matthew (Institut Pasteur 201501 Director of Immunology Dept) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit Institut Pasteur Île-de-France (region)
Albou, Laurent-Philippe (Bionext 2009– CEO + Co-founder) Company Founder Bionext (FR) Grand Est (Great East) (region)
Albou, Serge-Henri (Bionext 2009– CEO + Co-founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bionext (FR) Grand Est (Great East) (region)
Aldag, Jörn (Hookipa Biotech 201606– CEO before Uniqure/AMT + Evotec + MAN GHH) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hookipa (Group) Wien (state)
Alem, Liza (AZMed 202402 Head of Marketing + Communication) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager AZmed SAS Pays de la Loire (region)
Alessandri, Kévin (TreeFrog Therapeutics 202201– Managing Director TreeFrog Tx Inc before CEO + CTO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) TreeFrog Therapeutics (Group) Massachusetts (federal state)
Alldread, Richard (Lonza 201107 Head Technology Development + Strategic Projects at Lonza Development Services) Technical Manager Lonza (Group) Northwestern Switzerland (region)
Allemond, Pierre (Protein Metrics 201510– VP European Sales before Biovia/Dassault Systèmes + Accelrys + Chemspeed) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Insightful Science (Group) Région Lémanique (region)
Allmond, David (Novacyt 202110 CEO before Amryt Pharma + Amgen + Celgene + Aegerion Pharmaceuticals) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Novacyt (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Allouche, Christian (Gleamer 202306 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gleamer SAS Île-de-France (region)
Allouche, Florence (SparingVision –202010 President + Co-Founder LEFT 10/20) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division SparingVision SAS Île-de-France (region)
Alsat, Valentin (Flash Therapeutics 202307 Financial Manager) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Flash BioSolutions (Group) Occitanie (Occitania) (region)
Altaba, Stéphane (LXRepair 202101– CEO before Genomic Vision + Nordic Pharma + Sanofi + Riken) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) LXRepair SAS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Álvarez, Leonardo (Protera 202006 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Protera (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Amann, Rudolf n. a. Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Bremen (federal state)
Amato, Marcos (Agdia 201508 Managing Director of Agdia-Biofords) Managing Director Agdia (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Amidi, Saeed (Plug and Play 201706 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Plug and Play (Group) California (federal state)
Amoroso, Michael (Precision BioSciences 202110– CEO before Abeona Tx + Gilead/Kite + Eisai Inc + Celgene + Sanofi) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Precision BioSciences (Group) North Carolina (federal state)
Amsallem, Gilles (Arbiom 201603 CEO before Biométhodes SA CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Arbiom (Group) Virginia (federal state)
Amzal, Billy (Quinten 202209 CEO of Quinten Health) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Quinten (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Anciaux, Jean-Patrice (France (govt) 202001 Investment Director at Bpifrance Digital Venture) Investment Manager France (govt) Île-de-France (region)
Anderson, Joe (Sofinnova Partners 2022 Partner before Arix Bioscience + Abingworth) Investment Manager Sofinnova (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Ando, Osamu (Shimadzu 201005 General Manager Analytical & Measuring Instruments Div) General Manager (management) Shimadzu (Group) Kinki (region)
Andréucci, Philippe (APIX 201302 VP Business Development + Co-founder) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Analytical Pixels Technology SAS (APIX) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Anglade, Eddy (Tenpoint Therapeutics 202307 CEO) n. a.
Angot, Alexis (Ynsect 2011– Co-founder) Company Founder Ynsect SAS Île-de-France (region)
Anido, Judit (Nuage Therapeutics 202205 CEIO + Co-Founder before Northern Biologics + Mosaic Biomedicals) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nuage Therapeutics S.L. Catalonia
Ankri, Sarah (Lysogene 201710 VP Finance before Theraclion 201508 CFO + Board Director of Biotech France) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Lysogene S.A. (Euronext Paris: LYS) Île-de-France (region)
Annable, Mike (Lab21 201202 Director Clinical Lab division) Laboratory Manager (industry) Novacyt (Group) South East England (region)
Antonelli, Pierluigi (Fresenius 202303– CEO of Fresenius Kabi formerly CEO of Angelini Pharma) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fresenius (Group) Germany (state/region unspecified)
Antoni, Christian (Sanofi 201502 VP + Head Immunology + Inflammation Franchise RnD) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] Île-de-France (region)
Antonijevic, Irina (Sanofi 201208 Director Clinical Research at Sanofi US) Research & Development Manager Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] Île-de-France (region)
Antonini, Mathieu (Axa 201109 Managing Director of Axa Private Equity) n. a. Ardian (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Arabian, Bruno (Ulysse Communication 201807 before Milestones 201511) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Ulysse Communication GIE Île-de-France (region)
Aragues, Alain (Cephalon Europe 200512) n. a. Teva (Group) France (region/state unspecified)
Arango, Jaime (MedinCell 202005 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) MedinCell (Group) Occitanie (Occitania) (region)
Archambeau, Eric (Astanor Ventures 202209 Managing Partner + Co-Founder) Company Founder Astanor Ventures (BE) Belgium_o
Archinard, Philippe (Institu Mérieux 202101– EVP Technological Innovation + Scientific Partnerships before Transgene) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mérieux (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Arie, Jean-Philippe (Luxembourg (govt) 201803– Manager of BioHealth Cluster before Genopole) Cluster Manager Luxembourg (govt) Luxembourg (cl=4)
Armstrong, Brian (bioMérieux 202203 SVP Clinical Operations North America) n. a. Mérieux (Group) North Carolina (federal state)
Arnot, Christopher (Merck (DE) 202209 Director BusDev + Licensing Gene Editing + Novel Modalities at Sigma-Aldrich) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Merck (DE) (Group) Missouri (federal state)
Arthaud, Laurent (France (govt) 202103 Director of Biotech + Ecotech Investment at Bpifrance) Investment Manager France (govt) Île-de-France (region)
Artusio, Lionel (Z Impact Ventures 202407 General Partner) General Partner (venture partner) Z Impact Ventures (d/b/a Zebra Impact Ventures) Région Lémanique (region)
Arwani, Erfane (Biomemory 202211 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Biomemory SAS Île-de-France (region)
Aspinall, Mara G. (Roche 201109– President Ventana Medical before On-Q-ity founder + CEO before Genzyme) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division LabCorp (Group) Massachusetts (federal state)
Atieh, Michael G. (OSI Pharmaceuticals –200812 CFO retired 1/09) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Astellas (Group) New York (federal state)
Attard, Romain (Tissium 202107– CFO before a decade at Oddo BHF) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Tissium (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Attuil, Valérie (Mablink Bioscience 202104 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Eli Lilly (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Aubry, Xavier (Da Vinci Labs 2021– CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Da Vinci Labs SAS France (region/state unspecified)
Audebert, Benjamin (Carbios 201601 Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Carbios (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Audoly, Laurent (Parthenon Therapeutics 201909– CEO + Co-Founder before Kymera Therapeutics + Pierre Fabre + Pieris) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Parthenon Therapeutics (US) Massachusetts (federal state)
Audouard, Emmanuel (France (govt) 201709 Director of PSIM Fund at bpifrance) Investment Manager France (govt) France (region/state unspecified)
Augé, Pascale (INSERM 201403– CEO of Inserm Transfert before Institut Pasteur + Neurotech + Entomed + AB Science) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) France (govt) Île-de-France (region)
Auguin, Anne-Cécile (EU (govt) 201707 EIB) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager EU (govt) Luxembourg (cl=4)
Aurore, Sergeant (Mérieux 201302– Head of Corporate Communications at bioMérieux joined 4/11) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Mérieux (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Authié, Dominique (Pierre Fabre 201805 Director of Operations France at Pierre Fabre Pharmaceuticals) n. a. Pierre Fabre (Group) France (region/state unspecified)
Autier, Valérie (Metabrain Research 200903– CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Metabrain Research SAS Île-de-France (region)
Autret, Arnaud (Illumina 202205– Head of European Operations at Illumina Ventures before M Ventures) Principal (venture capital) Illumina (Group) California (federal state)
Avenard, Gilles (Acticor Biotech 201612 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Acticor Biotech (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Axelson, Dodi (Danaher 202210 Head of Communciations at Cytiva) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Danaher (Group) South East England (region)
Ayache, André (Waters 201211 VP + General Manager European Operations at Waters Division) General Manager (management) Waters (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Azogui, Micheline (Euromedex 200609 Product Manager) Product Manager (personnel) Euromedex Grand Est (Great East) (region)
Babeau, Emmanuel (Schneider Electric Group 201803 CFO + Deputy CEO before Pernod Ricard) n. a. Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] Île-de-France (region)
Babler, Martin (Principia Biopharma 202008 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] California (federal state)
Bachelot-Fontaine, Laetitia (Valneva 201404 Investor Relations + Communications Manager) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Valneva (Group) Pays de la Loire (region)
Baer, Thomas M. (Arcturus –200412 CEO + founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hologic (Group) California (federal state)
Baeten, Kristoff (Monkeys not Donkeys 202204 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) QbD Group (Quality by Design) (Group) Flanders (Flemish region)
Baguenault, Michel (Mérieux 201608 Secretary General at bioMérieux) n. a. Mérieux (Group) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (region)
Bahi, Khaled (Stilla Technologies 201911– CFO before Symetis + Fresenius Medical Care) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Stilla Technologies (Group) Île-de-France (region)
Bains, Peter (MiNA Therapeutics 202009– CBO before Sosei Heptares + Biocon/Syngene International + GSK) Chief Business Officer (CBO) MiNA Therapeutics Ltd. Greater London (region)
Baker, Matthew (Matt) (NeoPhore 202003– CEO joined 5/19 before Denceptor Therapeutics + Abzena + Antitope + Biovation) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) NeoPhore Ltd. North West England (region)
Baker, Tim (Baker & Yorke 201409 Partner) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Baker & Yorke Inc. Ohio (federal state)
Baldus, Berthold (Cisbio Bioassays 201311 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PerkinElmer (Group) France (region/state unspecified)
Ballal, Rahul (Mediar Therapeutics 202303 CEO before Imara) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Balster, Kay G. (High-Tech Gründerfonds 201202 Investment Manager) Investment Manager High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) Nordrhein-Westfalen (federal state)
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